Wednesday 26 March 2008

The Auld Alliance - Wake Up England

The speech of Mr. Sarkozy - "le gush" - sounded almost too good to be true. Maybe the phrase "beware Greeks bearing gifts" should be amended to "beware French speaking compliments" - if bought down to a personal level most people would cynically ask themselves "what does he want?"

The melting ice cap of 9600 BC created the North Sea barrier, allowing us to forge our own future through self-determination, relatively uninfluenced by the rest of mainland Europe and we have, until now, utilised the geographical separation very successfully.
For me the most significant words of this afternoon's verbal "love-in" were spoken not by our French neighbour, but by Mr. Michael Martin, speaker of the house of commons.

Was he speaking as a member of the British Parliament or as someone who has watched Mel Gibson cry "Freedom" far too many times - and does he actually realise what the term "Auld Alliance" means to those south of Hadrian's Wall?

England, the birthplace of true democracy, is sleepwalking to oblivion. The distrust felt towards those who have always eyed this land with jealousy and envy couples with the sense of self-preservation generated by hundreds of years of practical experience, is being systematically erased by others from outside our borders - and any arguments to the contrary are considered to be politically incorrect and inappropriate for 21st century globalisation.

Wake up England! Listen carefully to the Scottish accent that began proceedings earlier today - the sentiment behind the carefully crafted speech was "Och aye, ma French friend - let's rid ourselves of this minor irritation called England once and for all!"

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